change people’s lives for the better

Our Students All Around The World

Embark on a life-changing journey with us, open to everyone, from complete beginners to advanced practitioners. We’ll guide you from the fundamentals to the most exclusive Krav Maga techniques. Take the first step and join us for an extraordinary experience that will transform you forever.

If you already possess Krav Maga skills, our KMF-AC Courses are unlike any other program. We recognize your current rank, eliminating the need to start from scratch. Your previous achievements are respected and honored, allowing you to continue your journey seamlessly.

Experience a community free from politics and inter-federation conflicts. At KMF-AC, unity and inclusivity are paramount. We value and acknowledge ranks awarded by major Krav Maga federations, ensuring that your progress towards the coveted black belt rank is duly recognized.

Register today to our next course and unlock a world of continuous growth in your Krav Maga training. Embrace the opportunity to elevate your skills and reach new heights in the art of self-defense.

The KMF-AC Instructor Course is renowned worldwide as the most comprehensive Krav Maga education program available today. Through a rigorous, multi-stage curriculum, the KMF-AC Instructor Course hones your Krav Maga skills, techniques, and tactics while equipping you with effective teaching methods and advanced training processes.

Conducted in various countries, including the birthplace of Krav Maga – Israel, this course offers you:

Earning a KMF-AC Certification or even an Instructor certification is a visible testament to your proficiency in core Krav Maga principles and essential instructing and coaching skills. It demonstrates your commitment to excellence, professional growth, and a code of conduct.

As pioneers in educating dedicated practitioners to become outstanding instructors, we prioritize quality over quantity. Only candidates with the appropriate abilities, backgrounds, and years of training are accepted into the course.

Our modern blended learning concept combines individual online learning with intensive practical experience during full-time training weeks. Successful completion of the course is contingent upon meeting specific criteria at the end of each level, including theoretical, technical, tactical, and teaching skill examinations.

Upon successfully completing all KMF-AC course levels, you will be awarded a prestigious KMF-AC Instructor Diploma signed by KMF-AC President, Master Alain Cohen.

The KMF-AC Instructor Course provides a coherent and logical educational journey, equipping you with the essential values, skills, and knowledge to lead Krav Maga classes and teach the KMF-AC curriculum. Throughout the course, you will learn integrated techniques, tactics, and principles, along with modern teaching methodologies that inspire your students to excel. Our ultimate goal is to transform passionate and skilled trainees into dedicated and competent KMF-AC instructors who make a remarkable impact on people’s lives.

Certification as a KMF-AC Instructor affirms your competence and reflects the knowledge and skills acquired during the course. The final exam encompasses theoretical, technical, tactical, and physical aspects, as well as the practical application of your teaching abilities.

We are here to support your business development every step of the way. If you choose to seize this opportunity, we will provide guidance on:

By joining us, you become an integral part of our extended family. We foster a supportive and collaborative environment where we grow and excel together. Your journey doesn’t end with certifications; it marks the beginning of a lifelong connection and partnership.

By joining us, you become an integral part of our extended family. We foster a supportive and collaborative environment where we grow and excel together. Your journey doesn’t end with certifications; it marks the beginning of a lifelong connection and partnership.

Exclusive Krav Maga KMF-AC Uniform

When you embark on the extraordinary journey of the KMF-AC Instructor Course, you’re not simply enrolling in an incredible learning experience. You’re embracing the opportunity to unleash your true potential while donning your very own Krav Maga KMF-AC Uniform! It’s like stepping into a realm of unparalleled awesomeness, where your outfit matches your unrivaled skills.

This uniform is the epitome of awesomeness. It’s meticulously crafted to provide unparalleled comfort and functionality, empowering you to move with the agility and grace of a true ninja. Constructed with the highest quality materials, it can withstand the fiercest kicks, punches, and mind-blowing maneuvers you’ll conquer. And let’s not overlook the undeniable style quotient – adorned with the iconic KMF-AC logo and cutting-edge design, it radiates an aura of sheer coolness.

KMF-AC Pedagogic Tools

Unlock the full potential of your Krav Maga journey with the invaluable KMF-AC Federal Technical Passport. This comprehensive resource grants you exclusive advantages that enhance your training experience.

With the complete KMF-AC Krav Maga Program at your fingertips, meticulously organized belt by belt, you gain a profound understanding of every technique. This structured approach ensures a systematic and progressive learning experience, empowering you to advance confidently through the ranks.

One of the remarkable benefits of the Federal Technical Passport is its ability to help you stay on track with your belt exams. By providing clear guidelines and requirements, it enables you to prepare effectively, ensuring that you are fully prepared to demonstrate your skills and progress to the next level.

Moreover, the Federal Technical Passport serves as a powerful tool for instructors to monitor and control student evolution and attendance. Through its meticulous tracking system, instructors can closely observe each student’s development, offering personalized guidance and ensuring continuous improvement.

The true strength of the Federal Technical Passport lies in its seamless adaptability. Should you find yourself relocating to a new area or even a different country, you can effortlessly continue your Krav Maga journey exactly where you left off with your previous KMF-AC instructor. This unique feature eliminates any disruptions and guarantees uninterrupted progress, no matter where life takes you.

In addition to its technical advantages, the Federal Technical Passport embodies the values and principles of the federation. It incorporates essential guidelines, moral codes, and more, ensuring that you not only excel in technique but also embrace the ethical foundations of Krav Maga.

By harnessing the power of the KMF-AC Federal Technical Passport, you gain unparalleled support in your Krav Maga evolution. It empowers you to excel in your belt exams, offers seamless continuity in your training, and upholds the federation’s principles, making it an indispensable asset on your path to mastery.

Discover what others are saying about it

Before you proceed with your registration, please take note of the following important requirements:

Good health: It is essential that you have no major health issues that could hinder your participation in the course. Your well-being and ability to actively engage in the training are of utmost importance.

Motivation and drive: To excel in the field of Krav Maga, it is crucial that you possess a strong sense of motivation and a relentless drive to succeed. This demanding discipline requires dedication and a proactive mindset to make the most out of the learning experience.

Please ensure that you meet these prerequisites before proceeding with your registration.


Savor a Private Week-long 1 on 1 course in Israel

Level up your Krav Maga skills with an extraordinary opportunity: a one-on-one private course led by the esteemed Master Alain Cohen himself. If you’re seeking a premium training experience and personalized coaching, this exclusive program is tailored just for you.

Master Alain Cohen, renowned for his expertise and mastery of Krav Maga, will provide you with unparalleled attention and guidance. This private course guarantees an accelerated learning process, allowing you to grasp techniques more effectively and progress at an unparalleled pace. By focusing solely on your individual needs, strengths, and areas of improvement, you’ll experience unparalleled growth in your Krav Maga abilities.

Investing in this exceptional private training is an investment in your own development. While it may involve a higher cost than regular group courses, the value it delivers is incomparable. With Master Alain Cohen’s undivided attention and personalized feedback, you’ll witness substantial improvements in your skills, technique, and overall performance. This intensive training will elevate you to new heights and ensure you surpass your own expectations.

Additionally, this private course offers the opportunity to earn certification, enhancing your credibility and recognition within the Krav Maga community. Your achievements will be validated by the renowned Master Alain Cohen himself, reinforcing the authenticity and excellence of your skills.


Don’t miss this chance to embark on a transformative journey with one of the most respected figures in Krav Maga. Master Alain Cohen’s private coaching will not only elevate your abilities but also instill confidence, discipline, and a profound understanding of the art of self-defense. Take a leap towards greatness and join the select few who have experienced the unparalleled benefits of private training with Master Alain Cohen.

Opt for Our Premium Program – We Bring The Course To You, Anytime, Anywhere.

Our Premium Program is dedicated to a specific Elite of people who has an intensive life day schedule due to the fact that they travel a lot or they can not have a specific schedule set. Our premium one-on-one training is an investment in yourself – a commitment to becoming the best version of who you are. As the elite of society, you deserve nothing less than the best, and that’s precisely what we offer. Our services come with a price tag that reflects the exceptional quality and exclusivity you seek.

Where we cater to our elite customers with a personalized daily regimen, limited to just 10 to 25 minutes per day, to help them achieve their goals effectively and reach 100% of their potential. Unlike overwhelming training routines, we prioritize attainable objectives, ensuring our students’ progress without unnecessary strain. 

Leveraging cutting-edge communication technologies, we closely monitor and guide your journey every step of the way.

To maintain the highest quality of service and deliver an unparalleled training experience, we accept only 5 students per year into our program. This exclusive approach guarantees the utmost dedication and attention to each individual’s growth.

About Master Alain Cohen

– KMF- AC Worldwide Federation Head Instructor 

– Master Cohen taught hundreds of courses for last 20 years, all around the world, thousands of students. Civilians, law enforcement, military and special units. 

– Co-founder of the official Israeli Krav Maga program of the Wingate Institute.

– Official Member of the Israeli Krav Maga Commission of the Israeli National Sport Center – The Wingate Institute (2013-2017)

– Krav Maga Master Black Belt Dan 6th

– Martial Arts Fitness Instructor authorized by Israeli Sport Ministry.

– Israeli Krav Maga Instructor authorized by Israeli sport ministry.

– Israeli Ministry of Defense Supplier.

– Counter-terrorism Instructor.

– Close Protection Instructor.

– Air marshal Instructor for team unit and crews.

– Thai-boxing Instructor certified by Thailand Defense Ministry.

– BJJ & MMA Instructor